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Good Grief Really Includes:
Video Training with Brett M Judd
Personal Electronic Workbook
Good Grief Really eBook
BONUS! Tools For 2AM eBook
Access to Private Facebook Group

Good Grief Really ~ Introduction to the Pathway Through Grief   gives you

     ~ Increased Control of the emotions .

     ~ Understanding how to find Hope.

     ~ A clear path to Joy, Happiness, and Life.

     ~ Peace of mind, that you are fine.

      ~ A Community of supportive Loss Managers.

It is possible to Overcome the pain and fears of loss faster when you understand the Pathway Through Grief.

“I was very close to my father, and when he unexpectedly passed away, I was devastated. I was completely unprepared for the pain his passing brought to my life. Brett shared with me the first truly helpful advice and guidance I received on the subject, and it made all the difference. He explained grief in a way I had not encountered before, and one that I found mirrored the experiences I was having. I learned to honor my grief rather than fight it, and to stop viewing grief as a set journey with predictable stops along the way. This program has made all the difference in helping me return to my life and find joy again.
- Marjanna M. Hulet, M.A., ERP Training Coordinator


Gain joy and happiness and start on your Pathway Through Grief

Don't wait!  Start NOW! 
Find the Joy and Happiness you desire.
ONLY $69.97 

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This is the only time you will see Good Grief Really for such a great offer.
Don't miss this opportunity. 

Get the Good Grief -Really - Pathway Through Grief coaching sessions,
companion eBook, and personal Action Guide for nearly 
75% off

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